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Night Shift At The Gas Station

Night Shift At The Gas Station

I am female and was working alone on the third shift at an all-night convenience store. To prevent drive-offs in the middle of the night, customers who come to buy gas have to come inside the store and pay upfront before I turn on the gas pump for them. A young man came in and paid me $10 for gas and went back outside to pump it. Meanwhile I went to the back of the store, through the storeroom to the restroom, leaving the storeroom door open. I sat down on the commode and left the door to the small bathroom open aswell. With both doors open I could usually hear if anyone entered the store. I could also see a portion of the store from where I was. I was well into my business when the boy suddenly appeared in the storeroom door. I had forgotten to turn on the gas pump and he had returned to ask me to turn it on for him! Since he couldn't find me anywhere in the front of the store he had come all the way into the back, where he found me in all my glory on the toilet. I screamed, "Get out!!!" Turning three shades of red the boy ran out of the store, never looking back. He jumped into his car and sped out of the parking lot not even waiting for me to turn the gas pump on. That was definitely my most embarrassing moment, and I bet it was for him, too.
Angy Work May 23, 2024 at 3:24 pm 0
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