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Random Confession

How I got named Pooh Girl

I have always had a serious gastric problem, so whenever I absolutely couldn't hold it, I would try and make a joke, like the old "pull my finger" trick, so as to divert the embarrassment. One day after a shower, with just a towel on, I went into my room to get dressed. My boyfriend was in the room as I dropped my towel and felt a fart coming on. While hiking up my leg to flatulate I said, "This is how much I love you" at the same time I dropped a big ol' crap on the floor. At that moment, we just stared in horror and disbelief with our jaws agape! I absolutely could not, in the farthest reaches of my brain, believe I had just dropped a load on the floor in front of my boyfriend!!I screamed, "Don't look at it!" and jumped into bed and hid under the covers. I just wanted to evaporate into thin air!! Hence, I acquired the name Pooh Girl!
anonymous Dating July 02, 2018 at 9:12 am 0

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1 Confession Comment
damn Pooh Girl! How long that relationship last after that?
anonymous 6 years ago
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