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Naked In The Locker Room

Naked In The Locker Room

I had just finished swimming and working out at the athletic club near my home. I was in the locker room and I had gone alone that day. After I got out of the shower, I saw at least 4 old naked ladies just walking around like nothing was different. I always thought that was pretty gross before, but today since I was alone, I thought why not. So I got out of the shower without a towel. I felt good! I went over to the locker that had my stuff in it and I sat down on a bench. All the sudden I look to the left of me and my math teacher is walking towards me... also NAKED! I was so uncomfortable, but it was too late... she was coming over to talk to me and say hi. I wanted to run away but I wasn't dressed yet. She sat down next to me and started chatting with me like nothing was awkward. I was so embarassed to go back to school!! Oh man I'll never forget it!

anonymous School March 19, 2025 at 2:41 pm 0
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