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Too much Pizza

Too much Pizza

It was my freshmen year in highschool in Whitefish, Mt (moved after this happened to me). It was my first year going there and I was brand new. School didn.t start yet but I tried out for summer football and that went into the school year. About 5 games down, my dad took me out to eat. 2 20 in. pizzas we ate all by ourselves. That wasn.t wise knowing that I had a game the next night. I went to school feeling nothing and put on my gear and took off to the field. 1 minute into the game it hit me like a brick. The quartback yelled “hike” and then I got hit, squeezing everything in my stomach out into my football pants. I ran, I ran fast to the locker room and everyone in the stands and on the field was looking at me, including my dad sitting up in the stands. How embarassing. I went to the locker room and sat there until half time until the football team came in the room. They left fast after the aroma hit them. The coach I knew was laughing behind the bathroom door told me to shower and get my dad to take me home. I was never the same after that when I went to school and knowing everyone knew it. Well now I am grown up and all I can do is laugh about it too but how embarassing.
anonymous School September 28, 2021 at 5:50 pm 0
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