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At The Gynecologist

At The Gynecologist

I carry everything in my purse from stamps to tissues. Well I was going to the gynecologist one day and I had to go to the bathroom for a pee. So before my appointment I went to the washroom, I did my business and then realized that there was no toilet paper in the bathroom. Being the resourceful woman I am, I reached into my purse and got a tissue and wiped myself. Well, when I was being examined by the gyno, he started to laugh. I got a little offended and asked him what the hell was so funny. He just looked at me trying to keep a straight face and pulled a stamp out of my crotch! I guess what had happened was a stamp was stuck to the tissue I wiped myself with in the bathroom. I was embarrassed, but I still thought it was funny. From then on I kept my stamps and tissues seperate to avoid this situation if it ever came up again.
anonymous Miscellaneous April 29, 2021 at 4:31 pm 0
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