When I had my 21st birthday, it sure was messy... I went to the local college bar with two of my roomates and began taking shots. The last thing I clearly remember of that night was drinking a "three wise men." The next morning I woke up in someone elses dorm room, with puke crusted all over myself. Somehow I managed to figure out that it was not my room and after a couple of attempts I managed to stumble back to my dorm. I was still completely shitted at this point. When I came back to my dormroom I immmediatly headed for the bathroom, which was a mess with puke everywhere. I decided to do a little "damage control" before my roomates woke up and started cleaning it up. After putting a good cleaning effort I ended up passing out in the bathroom. The next thing I know I was woken up by one of my roomates who promptly informed me that I took a dump in the middle of our living room. I went out to check it for myself and, lo and behold, there was a big log of "Bud Mudd" smack in the middle of the room. My roomates made paper "safety cones" and sectioned it off - as if it was a traffic accident. You could not even imagine how embarrassed I was by all of this. To make things even worse I later realized that the other dorm room I was in belonged to a group of girls who live on the same floor as me. I can only imagine what horrible things I did to befoul their room... The rest of the day was spent in a deep alcoholic coma in my room. Whatever dignity I might have had just came crashing to the ground.
anonymousFriends April 14, 2022 at 2:23 pm00
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